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Trusted customer satisfaction and 24/7 customer support. Try it out now risk-free and return it back if you don't like it.

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Quality & Trust

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Trusted customer satisfaction and 24/7 customer support. Try it out now risk-free and return it back if you don't like it.

★★★★★ 4.6/5 Rating  |  8 Answers

LumiGlow: Revolutionizing Anti-Aging Therapy From Your Home

• 1-year warranty
• Free shipping in whole US
• 24/7 customer support
• Best price guarantee


LumiGlow was unanimiously voted as the best beauty device of 2024.

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LumiGlow uses advanced light therapy to remove wrinkles, boost skin elasticity, and reveal radiant skin in few at-home treatments.


Get vibrant skin with LumiGlow by only using it up for 10 minutes a day.

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LumiGlow provides a complete solution for healthier skin, targeting acne, inflammation, and dark circles effectively.


With LumiGlow, you can enjoy anti-aging benefits such as improved texture, brighter complexion, reduced acne, and enhanced product absorption.


The quality and effectiveness of LumiGlow is regularly independently tested

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Award-winning customer support team is ready 7 days a week to assist you.

Best Price:



Limited offer

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Top 3 reviews from United States

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Paid Product Tester

Surprisingly effective!

I always come in a little skeptical with these types of products that are supposed to help skin care, health, etc. But I really enjoyed adding this into my skincare routine and saw a difference! It's super easy to use once you get the hang of it, holds a charge pretty well, and if you use it frequently enough, I have seen results.

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Paid Product Tester

Clear Skin

My skin is looking more flawless since using LumiGlow. I look forward to using my wand in the evenings as part of my skincare routine.

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Paid Product Tester

Amazing difference

This facial tool is easy to use. I love how each setting feels on my face. I have had this for a couple months and have noticed a difference on my face, as it seems tighter and slightly more lifted.

Warranty: 1-year Extended Warranty
Support: 7 days a week, via email and live chat

4.6 based on - 1448 customers

Reduce Aging Signs From Your Home In Less Than 10 Minutes A Day 


Erase wrinkles, boost collagen, and reduce puffiness for radiant, youthful skin with five therapies in one device.

  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • 5 advanced therapies for multiple skin benefits
  • Save money & time on expensive spa treatments
  • Long lasting battery & portable
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • 5 advanced therapies for multiple skin benefits
  • Save money & time on expensive spa treatments
  • Long lasting battery & portable

+10% discount with code "DEC10"


Secure transaction (256-bit encryption - highest security)

Free shipping within US

Award-winning customer service

Payment methods


Credit & debit card (Visa, Mastercard)

Instant bank transfer (via Klarna)

Product info

There are now numeruous studies that show how red & blue light therapy, as well as cold therapy have benefits on the skin. LumiGlow's technology contains all of these therapies in one device that you can customize to your needs.

Many uses report after using it:

  • Less visible wrinkles and fine lines
  • Better skin texture and elasticity
  • Brightened and evened out complexion
  • Helps with acne and acne scars
  • Enhanced product absorption and effectiveness


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Secure checkout standards with 256-bit SSL encryption

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Rated as the best red light therapy device of 2024 by

Product picture gallery

Click on a picture to enlarge

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Extended 1-Year Warranty


If you order the product through this site, we will extend your warranty to 1 year.

 If you are not completely satisfied with the product during this time, simply send an email to The award-winning customer support team will be happy to help you. We wish you a safe and 100% risk-free purchase.



LumiGlow was awarded as the #1 top pick by in at-home beauty devices  category

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4.6/5 rated customer satisfaction.

8 Questions Answered

Frequently asked questions about LumiGlow

LumiGlow is an advanced light therapy device designed to rejuvenate and improve skin health. It utilizes multiple light therapy modes to target various skin concerns such as wrinkles, acne, and discoloration.

Get LumiGlow Today & Say Goodbye To Wrinkles and Other Visible Aging Signs

This is an exclusive new customer offer that is valid for a limited time. As soon as the negotiated quantity is sold out, the deal ends. So secure the offer today and try it out risk-free.

What's in it for you:

Maximum savings with best price guarantee for the 2024's top rated anti-aging device.

At-home effective red light therapy treatment for aging signs.

Extended 1-Year Warranty: So you can try it risk-free.


More customer reviews from TrustPilot

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Verified purchase from Feb 2, 2024

No trouble.

The people I was in contact with were really helpful which was really nice, thanks.

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Verified purchase from Dec 11, 2023

Very friendly and cooperative

Very friendly and cooperative! I have gotten an answer to my problem in an hour on Sunday-evening!I am extremely impressed! Thank you very much

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Verified purchase from Nov 3, 2023

Excellent customer service from Donna

Excellent customer service from Donna. She was very friendly and resolved my issue so I could have peace of mind and confidence in my purchase. Thank you

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Verified purchase from Dec 25, 2023

Very easy and pleasant

Very easy and pleasant experience in the ordering process. I spent more time looking and reviewing the product than placing my order. Good job.

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Verified purchase from Nov 7, 2023


Very quick, straight forward person to person customer support. First class.

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Verified purchase from Dec 5, 2023

Great Service

Easy and fast ordering process. Hopefully delivery will be just as quick.

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Verified purchase from Nov 14, 2023

Customer service is fast and efficient…

Customer service is fast and efficient but most importantly friendly and treats a customer with respect

*These are real verified reviews from TrustPilot and we use pseudo images for illustration purposes.


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